How to Heal Your Life: 8

Healing is the application of love to the part that hurts.

Do you remember when you were little, falling down and hurting yourself? And do you remember someone soothing and comforting you until you felt better? Chances are, now that you are all grown up, you have soothed and comforted a child in the same circumstances, maybe many times.

What about now, when you are hurting? Do you have someone you can go to for comfort? Or do you keep your hurt inside? As adults, I think many of us keep our hurt inside. Not only that, but we try to bury it by ignoring it or telling ourselves things like, “Grow up!”

Numerology has taught me that we all have challenges/emotional issues. It’s a normal part of life. Our emotional issues give us an opportunity to change our lives for the better. But we need to address the issue before change can happen. Whether or not we have someone we can talk to when we’re feeling insecure, ultimately, we need to look inside ourselves to get a clear picture of the issue and a way to resolve it; in short, take responsibility for the issue.

Here’s where the loving comes in. I’m sure that most of you felt yourselves clench up when you read “. . . take responsibility. . . .” Again, here’s where the loving comes in. Instead of judging ourselves or others, we can choose to treat ourselves like the little kid we are inside in this instance and comfort ourselves before even thinking of a solution to the problem. Comfort is what we need right now.

There are several things you can do at this moment that will help you comfort yourself. Some of them may be familiar to you. One would be the process mentioned in post #7 of this series, which includes another person. I suggest you try a process that involves only yourself first. If you are feeling sad or angry, use the venting processes mentioned in that post. Then apply the loving to yourself.

One way to do that would be to have a conversation with yourself in front of a mirror. Talk about how frustrated and upset you are feeling. Say all your thoughts out loud, even if you think they are unreasonable, using the words “I” and “me”. Get everything out.

Then empathize with yourself. Tell yourself how much you understand your pain and frustration, using the words, “you” and “your”. Don’t worry about whether you are right or wrong. Just honor your feelings. Tell yourself how much you love yourself and that you have faith that you will figure out a resolution that’s fair to yourself. Don’t worry about how right now. Now is for loving yourself through the issue. Now is the time for accepting yourself as you are, not what you should be or hope to be.

Expressing self-love is a challenge for most of us, but with practice it becomes easy. I suggest that you practice a love session daily in front of a mirror, sharing with yourself everything you love about yourself. Eventually, you will find yourself loving yourself as much as your loved ones love you. And your love of others and of life will increase, as well.

Another way you can love yourself is by sitting in a chair with another chair facing you about two feet away. In one chair you are the child sharing all the frustration, hurt, and anger you are feeling. In the other chair you are the loving adult who empathasizes and understands what you are going through.

After you have expressed your emotions and feel comforted, you can address a solution. Be patient with yourself. If you need help, find someone to help you. Give yourself some space to heal.

Live your purpose, love your life.

By liveyourpurposeloveyourlife

I'm a retired soul-centered psychotherapist. Along with doing research and art work, I want to share with you some ideas that may help you on your journey through life.


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