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Hello, I’m so glad you’re here!

Have you ever had an idea pop into your head fully formed? With complete understanding? That’s your gift of clairaudience talking.

That’s right – we all receive psychic impressions every day of our lives. The only reason we may dismiss them or not even notice them is because of the negative programming we’ve absorbed from society due to a lack of understanding. As a result, we’re missing out on benefiting from the rich inner perception we were born with. It’s like trying to ride a bicycle with one leg – we get so tired trying to keep our balance we wear ourselves out before we reach our destination.

Our psychic perception is part of our makeup whether we acknowledge it or not, so it’s never too late to awaken it. In this post, we’ll be exploring our psychic gift of Clairaudience, (clear hearing). If you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity, read on.

How many times have you had the experience of a song popping into your head seemingly from nowhere? More than once, right? Or a suddenly receiving a thought or hearing a word inside your head that gives you the answer to a question you’ve been thinking about? This is the psychic perception you were born with called clairaudience.

What if you could train yourself to receive these inspirational thoughts and words whenever you want? It’s not hard to develop your gift of clairaudience. It just takes discipline, patience, and time.

Practicing the following processes will help you get comfortable with your inner hearing as well as sharpen this powerful ability you have within. You may want to get friends together to practice these processes because you learn not only from your own experience, but from other’s experience as well. You can meet regularly and take turns hosting the group in your home or a meeting room.

Clairaudience Technique 1, with a group:

  1. Sit in circle with backs comfortably supported and both feet flat on the floor.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  3. When you feel relaxed, open your eyes.
  4. Each person takes a turn looking at each member of the group and sharing a word or thought that comes to them about that person.
  5. Once everyone has had a turn receiving impressions, each person takes a turn sharing how they relate to the impressions received about them. Was the impression accurate, enlightening, puzzling, did it contain food for thought, etc.?

If anyone received an impression that didn’t come as a word or thought, it’s okay. Just keep practicing.

Clairaudience Technique1, without a group:

  1. As you go through your day, observe people and see what words come to you to describe them or to give you insights that would help you understand them better.
  2. You can do this in front of a mirror, too. You will need to detach from opinions and judgments about yourself in order to receive accurate impressions. This is a good way to help you better understand yourself.

This is a good time to mention something that may be bothering you about psychic awareness. Some people worry that psychic abilities enable people to poke their noses into our business for selfish reasons. But let me tell you something. The minute one’s motives become manipulative, their impressions are no longer accurate and they get led down a path of illusion and confusion. (More on this in an upcoming article about guardian angels).

We are given psychic awareness in order to better understand ourselves and others. We have these gifts in order to help us be the best version of ourselves that we can be and to help us better understand and help others, thus making the world a better place. In all the decades I have been a student and practitioner of psychic awareness, I have never come across anyone who has tried to use these abilities against me or anyone I know. When your motives are clear, your way is clear.

Okay, back to clairaudience.

Technique 2, Receiving Guidance

  1. Sit in a comfortable position with both feet flat on the floor.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing until you feel relaxed.
  3. Ask your inner self/higher power/spiritual helpers a question. Ask for the answer to be in the form of a word, phrase, or thought.

Technique 3, Receiving Guidance II

  1. As part of getting ready for your day, ask for a word to guide you through your day.
  2. Write it down and refer to it throughout the day.
  3. Note at the end of the day how it made a difference.
  4. When you get proficient at this, you can use it in the moment, such as before a meeting, in guiding your kids, in any kind of situation when you need a solution in the moment.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with your gift of clairaudience. Also, if you have questions, just ask. Meanwhile, have a great day!

By liveyourpurposeloveyourlife

I'm a retired soul-centered psychotherapist. Along with doing research and art work, I want to share with you some ideas that may help you on your journey through life.

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