Self-healing the Hawaiian Way

Hello, I’m glad you’re here!

You know I love self-healing techniques, and I have one to share with you today. You can use this self-forgiveness process to reduce stress and clear negative habits from your life such as complaining, feeling regret, shame, and blaming yourself or others.

It also enables you to forgive others you perceive as hurting you. Yes, you read that right: forgive others for hurting you. Holding onto hurt, resentment, and anger contracts your mind, body, and spirit. The person you are upset with does not suffer from your judgments. You are the only one who is suffering.

Forgiving someone who has hurt you does not mean you approve of their actions. The purpose of forgiveness is to heal yourself, to break the negative energy that connects you and the other person, setting you free.

Why is this true? Because we are responsible for all our experiences, positive and negative alike. We are powerful magnets for both the positive and negative energy we broadcast with our thoughts. The more negative thoughts we have, the more negativity we have in our lives. The more positive thoughts we have, the more happiness we experience, so it makes sense to have positive thoughts, right?

The ancient Hawaiian healing process I’m talking about is called Ho’oponopono, and it goes like this.

                                                                        I’m sorry.

                                                                        Please forgive me.

                                                                        Thank you.

                                                                        I love you.

Say these words to forgive yourself whenever you have negative thoughts about yourself. Repeat them until you feel lighter. Using this process will give you more energy and peace of mind.

Heal yourself by forgiving others, too. Repeat the process until you feel free of the pain it has been causing you. The other person will unconsciously pick up the loving energy, and your relationship will change for the better for both of you, either deepening it or bringing it to an appropriate close.

You can learn more about Ho’oponopono by reading the book, Zero Limits, by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD. In it you’ll learn about some fascinating experiences with this amazing process, including how Dr. Hew Len used it to heal an entire ward of criminally insane inmates.

By liveyourpurposeloveyourlife

I'm a retired soul-centered psychotherapist. Along with doing research and art work, I want to share with you some ideas that may help you on your journey through life.


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